
Double-layerd systems

Double-layerd systems

Double layersd systems are available in two variants:

  • ST2 systems with obtained from corrosivity category C4-H
  • HD2 systems with obtained from corrosivity category C5-H

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ST2 systems with C4-H corrosion category.

ECO-STEELCORR ST2 M                

Number PE-0115 applies to steel coating surfaces, mechanical preparation, primer O195… As a topcoat can be used any powder available in the offer (that is, Q191, Q181, Q161, Q261, Q391, N161, N191). The number of the series is: ST2.

ECO-STEELCORR ST2 C                    

Number PE-0116 reffers to steel surfaces. Chemical surface pretreatmeny with primer O195 and a top coat can be used any available in our offer: Q191, Q181, Q161, Q261, Q391, N161, N191). The number of the series is: ST2.


Systemy HD2 z uzyskiwaną kategorią korozyjności C5-H

Systemy HD2 with resistance category C5-H

ECO-STEELCORR HD2 M                            

NR PE-0117 refers to hot-dip galvanized steel surfaces, treated mechanically, primer O195 and as a top coat any available in our offer powder can be used: Q191, Q181, Q161, Q261, Q391, N161, N191. The numer of the series HD2.

ECO-STEELCORR HD2 C               

NR PE-0118 applies to coating of hot-dip galvanized steel surfaces, chemical preparation, primer O195and as topcoat any of the versions available from us (i.e. Q191, Q181, Q161, Q261, Q391, N161, N191). The number of the series is HD2.


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