

When applied, these special powders give the effect of depth of colour. The variety of applications  combined with properly selected primers allow almost unlimited colour combinations. Ecoline offers diverse, expressive shades of different colours, as well as transparent powders that imitate the visual presence of gold, copper, brass, or light.

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Transparent powders belong to group of very demanding products. After applying 40, 60 or 100 microns of powder we will achieve completely different effect. Proper settings of the parameters, the shape of the coated pieces and its type, evaluate repeatability of the applied coating. The right selection of the gun current settings as well as the distance form the piece can eliminate formation of the “frame” effect (too thick layer on the edges). The final effect and the shade of the transparent powder can also vary in regard of the material type that it is covered. We will achieve different results in coating stainless steel, polished aluminum, black steel or iron castings.


Transparent powders will expose any imperfections of the coated pieces, such us: welds, scratches, results of the improperly prepared surface or damaged pieces. The transparent powders are ideal to give industrial or old look. However, if we prefer to cover the imperfections of the pieces, we need to use proper type of the powder. Ecoline offers a wide selection of  metallic powders from series X191 that both with the base powders and transparent powders help to achieve desired effect of depth. Color transparent powders are commonly used in our household objects, like bikes, gym equipment, lightings, ceramics, furniture, baby carriages, domestic appliances and many more.


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